Monday, September 28, 2009

Keep your mac running like the day you got it.

Do you remember the first day you got your mac... Fast Fast Fast

Through normal use your computer begins to slow down. It accumulates lots of junk files and it gathers privacy files that should be eliminated. There are tweaks for memory, startup, and Windows that can help your system to run at its very best.

Day by day, bit by bit your Mac has got slower and slower. You don’t really notice because it has happened so gradually.
Until one day you have a chance to use another machine, that’s when you realize what your beloved Mac has become, as slow as an asthmatic ant carrying some heavy shopping.
Well all is not lost, while this list is unlikely to make you mac into a speed demon overnight, one of the following suggestions may just help.
First: Having too many files and folders on your desktop can slowdown your machine. Put these files into folders in your home directory and create aliases to them on the desktop.
Next: Preference files can easily become corrupt and can make programs act weird or run slowly. One program that come with OS X is in the utilities folder and its called "Disk Utility", To get to it on you desktop click "Go" - "Utilities" and the click on "Disk Utilities". The window will open and you will see your main hard drive listed on the left side, click on it, the rest is pretty ease. Running repair disk permissions every couple weeks will keep your machine running like new.
Too many widgets on dashboard will so things down. Each widget on your dashboard uses memory, you can check this by using your Activity Monitor. Remove any widgets that you don't use or are memory hog's, use the dashboard control panel to remove them.
It doesn’t hurt to regularly clear out built up Caches, Log files and Temporary Items an easy way to do this is to use an application like Cocktail. If you prefer you can delete Caches manually, they can be found in Home/Library/Cache.

If you have any tips for speeding up your Mac, please leave a comment below.

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