Monday, August 9, 2010

12-core Mac Pro now available in Apple Store

The previously announced 12-core Mac Pro is now available in Apple's online store and retail outlets.
Early Monday morning, Apple took down its online store down. A few minutes later, the site popped back up listing 12-core option.

Apple's new Mac Pro, which was unveiled at the end of July, is a beast of a machine. It features two 2.66GHz six-core Intel Xeon Westmere processors, 6GB of RAM, a 1TB hard drive, and an ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphics card. Its price starts at $4,999, but that figure could rise quickly, depending on the customer's needs.

Configuration is one area where Apple's 12-core Mac Pro is especially impressive. Customers can update the processor from the 2.66GHz model to a 2.93GHz version. They can also include up to 32GB of RAM, add a RAID card, and install several more hard drives. Given the power of the system, it might also be a good idea to update the computer's graphics cards to the dual ATI Radeon HD 5770 option. For those who want a single card, the ATI Radeon HD 5870 is also available.

Those looking to get their hands on a 12-core Mac Pro can order now and receive the computer in seven to 10 business days.

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